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Psalms 121
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I look up to the hills.
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord.
He is the Maker of heaven and earth.

He won't let your foot slip.
He who watches over you won't get tired.
In fact, he w ho watches over Israel won't get tired or go to sleep.

The Lord watches over you.
The Lord is like a shade at your right hand.
The sun won't harm you during the day.
The moon won't harm you during the night.

The Lord will keep you from every kind of harm.
He will watch over your life.
The Lord will watch over your life no matter where you go,
both now and forever.

8:42 PM | back to top

Qin Ern's MSN Drawing
Sunday, November 15, 2009


9:42 PM | back to top

Live Like We're Dying
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Really not bad... better than I expected. I love the part when he's playing the piano.

12:04 PM | back to top

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Freedom....freedom... you gotta give what u take.....
LOL that was just a line from the song Freedom by George Michael. Anyway..... PMR is officially over for me. All the best to next year's candidates. Right now all I wanna do spread my wings and FLY!!!!! Literally. (Yea right like that will happen) I'm not gonna think about the future coz right now I just wanna enjoy the remainding months as a fifteen year old. I don't really have a 'game plan' on what to do but roughly... these are a few.

1. Buy a guitar.
2. Learn to play the guitar.
3. Read Breaking Dawn.
4. Watch New Moon. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
5. Listen to old school music. Btw.. Jaz this is a small reminder to listen to songs by Van Morrison.
6. Go crazy!!!!
7. Do nothing
8. Day dream...
9. Read.... tons of books waiting on my shelf.
10. Watch all the movies I missed out.

well that's pretty much just it for now.

xoxo...... freedom is sweet! sorta.....

10:49 PM | back to top

Monday, August 24, 2009

Haha... I saw the funniest and cutest ' love triangle war' on blogspot. I won't say who but it makes me wanna laugh and at the same time puke. But basically it was funny and cute especially the fact that they think it's love when it actually seems like puppy love but hey... you never know. A puppy love may blossom into a true love but the chances are low say....... 1 out of 1000. Anway what amuses me is that it can make a pretty good romantic comedy or just a romantic movie. Btw..... I love Twilight. No I'm quite obsessed with it. It's one of my guilty pleasure....lol.
Well, that's all.

P.S: Thank God I found my IC. I can be very forgetful. Guess where I found it. In the pocket of one of my trousers in my cardboard that is piled with clothes.... Thank God. seriously.


12:19 AM | back to top

New Beginning.
Monday, August 17, 2009

Wondering where are my post ? Well I deleted them all because I want to start all over again. All those posts before were me blogging them half- heartedly, without enthusiasm, without a life or soul. Those posts were posted due to pressure from people... won't name names but you will know who you are. So now I have decided to be more enthusiastic about my posts. However, I'll have to see how long this 'passion' lasts. I doubt it will last for a long time but hey at least I tried right?

So yeah basically that's all for now.

4:38 PM | back to top


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